11decAll Day12Kenali Permainan Tradisi KitaniKampung Ayer Cultural and Tourism GalleryTypeCulture & Arts

Event Details

Discover the joy of Malay traditional games on 11th and 12th December 2023, at the Kampong Ayer Cultural & Tourism Gallery, Kampong Lurong Sikuna.

Book your leisure time now! Scan or click this link to register and experience the fun of traditional games firsthand.
Book with us: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd2XwI-pX6i8VBQ0y0mvPTrpX-NAeUHPJpZc1hlGGMoKunBdA/viewform?pli=1

Don’t miss out—reserve your spot today!
